Well Yield & Recovery Test

A well yield test helps to determine the capacity of your property's well. This information is useful to help homeowners that rely upon well water for their household needs to control their water usage in periods of little rain. Many Connecticut and New England communities require such a test whenever a property is purchased or sold. Some also have minimum well yield level requirements.

Well Yield Test

The object of the well yield test is to see how much water from the surrounding water table replenishes the water supply when existing water is pumped out of the well. To do this, the inspector will measure the water initially held in the well casing, using a battery-powered water level indicator, then continuously pump water from the well over a set period of time and record how much water is taken from the well. Having a well yield test not only helps you meet local requirements, but can help you better manage your water usage.

To schedule your home inspection, call

(860) 445-1236 today.