About Sound Home Inspection Consulting
Home inspectors do more than just tell you what needs to be fixed on a particular property during a home sales transaction. Experienced inspectors can be invaluable in helping those looking to buy commercial property, such as apartment buildings, duplexes or condos. Enlisting the aid of an inspector also makes sense for homeowners considering a remodeling or new construction project.
Consulting by home inspectors can include accompanying clients on property searching trips, helping to plan a new addition and helping to make sense of pending litigation over property and construction issues. It helps to have an unbiased and impartial building expert on your side, whether you’re evaluating a property to buy or sell, preparing for court or trying to maximize your remodeling dollars.
To discuss home inspections and consulting,
call (860) 445-1236 today.

Contractor Client Advocate: Contractor Overseer for Additions, Remodeling and Purchasing
If you’re planning an addition or a major remodeling effort, you know how many details there are to consider, and how many workmen are involved. It’s difficult to know if everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing, not to mention whether you and the contractors you’ve hired are approaching the project in the most economical and sensible way.
An experienced home inspector like Tom Morgan can act as an on-site overseer to make sure your new addition meets or exceeds the local building code specifications, that your building crew has the necessary permits and that they are using the most economical and efficient way to complete the project on time and on budget.
Tom frequently acts as Clerk of the Works (CoW) on house construction and remodeling projects. In this function, he works for the architect and/or the homeowner as an unbiased overseer to make sure that the entire construction team is following the blueprints, is acting on the homeowners wishes and is following standard code and building standards. Having an impartial CoW onsite helps to keep a large building project on schedule and on budget.
To discuss using a home inspector as a project overseer or to schedule your home inspection, call (860) 445-1236 today.
Court Testimonials
In a perfect world, all real estate transactions and dealings between homeowners and building contractors would go smoothly, without debate or disagreement. Unfortunately, the truth is that disagreements often occur over building and maintenance issues. Sometimes these issues even end up in court.
If you find yourself in court over a building issue, whether you’re the defendant or the plaintiff, you need an impartial building expert to help explain to the court the details of the building violation being debated. Tom Morgan has more than 25 years’ experience with building codes and home inspections. He can add credibility to your case while putting all of the technical details in language that a jury and judge can understand.
To schedule your home inspection, call
(860) 445-1236 today.

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Legal Affidavits
Legal affidavits are sworn statements that may be used in court. They are witnessed by a notary and stand as evidence just as if the person making the statement were testifying in a courtroom. Such documents can be useful in real estate disputes and disagreements with building contractors.
Home inspectors like Tom Morgan are ideally suited for making such legal affidavits about building and construction issues. With more than 25 years of home inspection experience, there isn’t a lot about home construction and building codes that he hasn’t seen. Such experience lends credibility to his court statements and your case. He can also explain the sometimes-complicated details involved with building issues in terms that the judge and jury can easily understand.
To schedule your home inspection, call
(860) 445-1236 today.
Probate courts seek to determine the value of a property for the purposes of distributing assets and settling an estate. Sometimes placing a value on a piece of real estate is not particularly straightforward. This is often the case when the deceased has lived in the home for decades and there are no or few recent sales of comparable homes in the area.
An experienced home inspector like Tom Morgan can be invaluable in helping the executor or heirs determine the condition of the home and its systems, especially when the heirs know little about how the home was maintained. He can point out issues that will have both a positive and a negative impact on the future sales to help satisfy court requirements.
To schedule your home inspection, call
(860) 445-1236 today.

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Real Estate Agents/Agencies
Real estate agents and home inspectors can make a great team. A good inspector has no intention of sabotaging a sale. He just wants the buyer — and the seller — to know the current state of the property involved. If you agree that knowledge is power, then knowing the plusses and the challenges of a property gives the real estate agent a game plan for successfully marketing a property.
Just as a home inspection in advance of a listing gives the homeowner a chance to fix any major issues with a property, an early inspection can give the agent information to best advise his or her client about maintenance issues. No agent likes last-minute surprises that could threaten a sale.
To schedule your home inspection, call
(860) 445-1236 today.
Trust Departments/ Banks
Banks and trust departments don’t always want to get involved in owning property, but sometimes they have to. Houses face foreclosure and trust clients die, forcing the bank into property management. It’s sometimes difficult to value a property, particularly if the homeowner has lived there for decades and/or if there are few comparable house sales in the neighborhood. Rarely does a bank have any firsthand knowledge of maintenance or remodeling on the house.
An experienced, unbiased house inspector like Tom Morgan can help banks and trust departments get the information they need to make an accurate valuation on a property. With more than 25 years’ experience, he can pinpoint the property’s high points and challenges as well as make recommendations on things that need repair before the house can be resold.
To schedule your home inspection, call
(860) 445-1236 today.