Antique Homes

Call them antique homes, vintage homes or century homes. Older homes -- homes that were built more than 100 years ago -- can be charming, with vintage woodwork, high ceilings and decorative moldings. However, such properties also present some safety and maintenance challenges.

Antique Homes

If you are considering purchasing an antique home, a home inspection is important to determine just what shape the home is in. Cosmetic applications like new paint and new drywall can mask serious underlying problems like dangerous wiring, termite infestations, leaking pipes and roof issues. Many old homes have been remodeled extensively over the years. Although many contractors and remodeling companies are conscientious about building codes, some are not. A home inspector with experience with antique homes can give you a detailed inventory of the condition of such a home.

To schedule your home inspection, call

(860) 445-1236 today.